
  • Spark Joy with Bright Energy

    Marie Kondo is still killing the game of organization.  If you haven't read the book or caught the Netflix series, Marie Kondo is a professional organizer and has lit the world ablaze with her tidy, neat, calm, meditative art of tidying things using the Shinto method. If you want to fold a sweater after sweaterweather is over and your goal is to have a stack of precise octagon knitwear in a corner of the closet -- Bright Energy is probably the only spark you'll need to get to the goal.
  • Here's what Bright Energy actually does for you

    Whelp, someone had to quote B. Spears. Why not us? We can't make claims and there are no guarantees at all whatsoever that you will, in fact, get a Bugatti. But if you are hoping for energy that is almost immediate, the Dynamine™ in Bright Energy is the backup dancer of your dreams. We've said it before and will say it again: If TeaCrine® is the rocket, then Dynamine™ is the rocket boosters. Eventually, they fall off, but you won't feel it. There are not jitters and no strange crash at the end of the day, leaving you wanting another cup of coffee. Here's what to expect with Dynamine™: nearly immediate energy to get up and go. Nothing too wild, just a support to the caffeine and the TeaCrine®. It will fade off and your day will be more productive than you could ever hope. 

  • The Sarah Series: Ep 1

    You can read all about Bright Energy all over the place. I just wanted to give you a backstory before we dive into my experiences on Bright Energy. See, we (the company I work for) makes TeaCrine® and Dynamine™ and they ran a bunch of tests (I know because I was cc'd on emails that never seemed to end) and they discovered it works really well with caffeine. Caffeine, my sweet, sweet wonderful caffeine. Anyhow, because I am so busy and go go go, I volunteered to try Bright Energy in the plain way, without any branded powders or pink pouches. Just as is. Three things: TeaCrine® + Dynamine™ + a little bit of caffeine. 

  • Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Bright Energy

    Everything you ever wanted to know about Bright Energy, the powerful combination of TeaCrine®, Dynamine™ and caffeine designed in raw form just for women who read labels at the store. What goes inside matters. How you feel matters more. Let's deep dive!