Spark Joy with Bright Energy
Marie Kondo is still killing the game of organization. If you haven't read the book or caught the Netflix series, Marie Kondo is a professional organizer and has lit the world ablaze with her tidy, neat, calm, meditative art of tidying things using the Shinto method.
Meanwhile, here's what most of our spaces look like.
Not a lot of joy here.
Sparking Joy when there is literally no joy in laundry
Bright Energy is a combination of two powerful ingredients and a tiny bit of caffeine. Caffeine has a long-standing reputation for giving us "energy" and, for the short, immediate, tasty party, sure, it does. But the crash is terrible. TeaCrine® extends the life of caffeine but what we're really talking about here is the motivation.
TeaCrine® in Bright Energy is able to enhance your energy (of course) but truly, it is here to elevate your mood and motivation, too. This means that when you have been walking around the laundry for two weeks and have seriously considered turning pants inside out like your old college days or when you've seriously monitored your toddler and thought, "they're fine. One more day." The option of Bright Energy to turn your motivation on to tackle it, becomes real.
We've all been there. This article is currently being written while atop a mountain of TOWELS that need to be washed. The motivation we seek is within us all, if you want to get all philosophical about it. Fine. But the truth is, our bodies and psyches need a little boost sometimes to get focused on a goal and to progressively crush it.
Then the next goal.
Then the next.
And another one.
And another one.
This means that we remove the distractions (social media, our phones, funny text threads, etc.) and we just knock out laundry.
Seems simple enough but, again, how long has that pile of paperwork been on your desk? That laptop -- the one you said you needed to give a good wipe down on and refresh the cover. Remember you said that, oh, three weeks ago?
Life is busy and we can make to-do lists daily. But this beauty of sparking joy in anything is to appreciate things that help other things go. Appreciate that pile of laundry - when it's done. Bright Energy can help you stay on track and not just wash the laundry but. * gulp * fold it and *gulper* PUT IT AWAY.
TeaCrine® and Dynamine™ + caffeine in Bright Energy is a combination that has proven to enhance energy, mood, focus, and motivation. You can dive into the mechanism of action and science behind it all on the site.
Bright Energy is just two little veggie capsules that you can take any time of day.
So if you have trouble winding down after a mid-day cup of coffee that you snuck in in between laundry loads, this is different. Bright Energy is for moms, dads, adults who need to focus and win, athletes, bosses, workers, and students working on their master's degree that they-won't-actually-need-but-it-looks-rad-on-a-resume, job seekers... you get the picture.