The Sarah Series: Ep 1
I don't even know what Ep. 1 means but here's full disclosure: I work for Compound Solutions and, like everyone here, I am into it. Like, deep into the science and research that goes into making humans great. But I'm no scientist so let's make that clear. I love learning and because of this company, I am more interested in supplements, life, nutrition and all the rest than I ever have been.
When we decided to open up a direct-to-consumer line (that's this!) I was pretty stoked because so many of my friends and family were asking about what I do and there was confusion about pharmaceuticals and neutraceuticals. Now, I get to clean up the translation a bit and explain exactly what DittoCSI is and how it all started.
Each month, I'll write about my experience on Bright Energy (and the other products you see here!) and try to answer some questions about what it means.
For this first entry, I want to get into what I do for a living because, for the record, this is NOT A BOT.
Quick Backstory
I got a degree in engineering, traveled the world, and then realized I needed a "grown up" job. A temp agency sent me to this company that made supplements. I'm like, "Cool. I can dig it. Supplements, protein shakes, Cancun bikini body. Love it. Got it. Healthy job. Whatevs. Hire me. No problem. Bye."
Nope. It was not bye. It was hellooooooo brand new world. I learned pretty quickly about raw ingredients and how it all comes together to end up in a pretty pink package on the shelves at GNC or something. I learned that a lot of extra stuff gets added which isn't bad because some people want more. But I also knew that a lot of the magic came directly from the raw ingredients.
Another thing you should know: I shamelessly love an extra hot triple-grande-psl with extra whip from Starbucks and I have been late to work several times because the drive-thru is never as fast as we think it should be. I have actually sat in the drive-thru line, texting co-workers that I am on my way. I have also, actually, thought of backing out of the line to park and stand in the inside-standing line just to get a $5.75 cup of coffee that we all know is mostly almond milk (I can't with oat milk, don't get me started).
Regina usually gets to the office first and it was probably on my fifth month there that I knew two things for sure: 1. I wanted to extend my temporary employment and stay for good because it was a rad company (duh, hi, boss) but 2. Regina liked to give me advice on my morning routine without being asked. But it was cool because you listen to a woman named Regina, always.
Side Hustle Sarah

I showed up once, just ONCE, with a bag of socks I was knitting to sell on etsy and Marc (he wears fedoras every Friday and calls it Fedora Friday, SMDH) walked by and asked if I had any other side hustles. I said yes I do (because, yes, I do) and he asked what they were. I won't list it all for you but between watching my nieces and nephews, my day job, hosting trivia night each month, and my crafts that I sell on etsy, I suppose there was enough evidence (ammo?) for him to call me Side Hustle Sarah.
It wasn't long before I realized that I was a busy person. And when Regina and I counted up the amount of caffeine I had each week, it was kind of shocking. This in addition to the greens and shakes plus preworkouts I drank to keep my body fit as a fiddle at the equally exhausting Orange Theory, I thought it was time to take stock of my daily nutrition.
Bright Energy
You can read all about Bright Energy all over the place. I just wanted to give you a backstory before we dive into my experiences on Bright Energy. See, we (the company I work for) makes TeaCrine® and Dynamine™ and they ran a bunch of tests (I know because I was cc'd on emails that never seemed to end) and they discovered it works really well with caffeine. (1) (2)
Caffeine, my sweet, sweet wonderful caffeine. Anyhow, because I am so busy and go go go, I volunteered to try Bright Energy in the plain way, without any branded powders or pink pouches. Just as is. Three things: TeaCrine® + Dynamine™ + a little bit of caffeine. (3)(4)
Dynamine™ is kind of like TeaCrine®. Kind of. They have a similar molecular structure that but Dynamine™ behaves slightly differently in the body. When combined with TeaCrine® works synergistically with caffeine* for more real-world benefits.
What else should you know about TeaCrine® and Dynamine™? Well, there were plenty of studies conducted.(5) I know that's for sure. Like, we found out there are positive changes in brain wave activity. That's something. It's a whole mood. Literally. The enhancement of caffeine and the modulation of multiple neurotransmitter systems (the mood stuff) and the activation of dopamine receptors are how it all comes together. So when they say energy, mood, focus and motivation, they mean it.
I'll still grab my coffee but maaaaybe decaf? Maybe I won't need it? Who knows. But I wanted to see what happens if I dial it back on my nearly $20/day coffee run habit (OMG, I KNOW) and try this Bright Energy. I mean, it's not in a cute, warm cup. It's not topped with foam or whipped cream or sprinkles or caramel drizzle. It's just a little pill. We'll see if it does anything for me.
See you next month!